Bold ideas and critical thoughts on science.

Elephant in the lab


Science as we know it today would be simply impossible without a multitude of critical services that enable scientists to connect and to collaborate, to share and to disseminate knowledge. These infrastructures often remain in the background and only become visible when they no longer work. But what kind of infrastructure fits the demands of increasingly networked research? Who should build it and make it available? Who may use it and who may not? Our next dossier will deal with the topic of research infrastructure. Join us on the search for answers in the upcoming weeks!

What is your take on Infrastructure? We welcome contributions on this topic.

Articles on that issue

Sharing knowledge: Impact of Covid-19 on digital teaching

Sharing knowledge: Impact of Covid-19 on digital teaching

In this short analysis the three authors aggregate findings from four research projects to answer questions regarding the accelerated digitalisation of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bronwen Deacon, Melissa Laufer, Nataliia Sokolovska
Surveillance Publishing

Surveillance Publishing

Jefferson Pooley on Surveillance Publishing, its history in modern societies during the last couple of decades, and the potential costs of these practices for both service providers and their users.

Jefferson Pooley
ploc – an app to discover and improve research

ploc – an app to discover and improve research

The pocket library for open content is an application designed to simplify the search for openly available research content and lay ground for a basic quality assurance mechanism.

Nataliia Sokolovska
When your journal reads you

When your journal reads you

Renke Siems on user tracking on science publisher platforms, its implications for their individual users and ways to face this issue

Siems, R.


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