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Elephant in the lab

AI in Research

ChatGPT and other generative AI applications have once again cast the spotlight on AI and its purpose in academic research. Heralded by some as the ultimate time-saver and means to ease administrative burdens, its reception in academic circles varies. How much do researchers actually know about this technology and how it works? Critical voices express reservations about the potential negative implications AI has on the integrity of research as well as cite the potential harmful practices related to the dissemination of bias and inaccurate information. This debate surrounding the involvement of AI in research is fervent among academics, policymakers and legal experts, centering on the question: What role should AI have in the research process?

What is your take on AI in Research? We welcome contributions on this topic.

Articles on that issue

Generative AI in knowledge work

Generative AI in knowledge work

As generative AI applications in science proliferate they prompt a self-reflection on work routines in scientific knowledge production. At the same time, scientific institutions, publishing bodies, and funding agencies are confronted with both regulatory challenges and the task of promoting the use of generative AI in line with good scientific practice.

Anne Krüger


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