Bold ideas and critical thoughts on science.

Elephant in the lab


Societal challenges like migration movements, climate change, or digitization show that there is a pressing need for informed expertise from virtually all fields of research. Yet, scientific knowledge often remains within its domain and reaches civil society only indirectly and delayed. In a 5-year citation window, 27% of the papers from natural sciences and 32% of the papers from social sciences remain uncited.

Expressed pointedly: While the need for scientific expertise is perhaps greater than ever, scientists produce papers that nobody reads. Moreover, neologisms like “alternative facts” suggest a noticeable loss of the scientific authority in the public opinion. All this raises a difficult question: What is the impact of science? In the next couple of weeks we will address this issue in more detail.

What is your take on Impact? We welcome contributions on this topic.

Articles on that issue

Between societal relevance and autonomy

Between societal relevance and autonomy

Peter Weingart on changing perceptions of science’s role in society, safeguarding autonomy, and the concept of dual legitimacy for scientific knowledge in policy decisions.

Peter Weingart


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